Affirmations & Greeting Cards

If you know someone who is facing a cancer diagnosis or a new challenge in their treatment journey, you may be wondering what to say to show your support. While no words can take away the pain and fear, a kind message or card can be very uplifting. These Affirmations Greeting Cards include encouraging statements that can apply to a number of situations. The templates are designed to be downloaded and printed.
When in doubt, always ask your loved one how to support them best.

Sometimes a text is best.

You can download the same images to send in a text or email as a quick "I'm thinking of you" message.

You are worthy of things you have yet to imagine

The world is lucky that you are in it

Joy is brave and so are you

Future you is so proud of current you

Did you know...

June is both Cancer Survivors' month and Pride month? Send a little love to an LGBTQ+ cancer survivor in your life with the pride version of the Affirmation Greeting Cards.