Sibling Resources

Having a brother or sister diagnosed with cancer is a life-changing experience. The age-specific resources on this page can help caregivers provide space for siblings despite the challenges of cancer treatment. 


Teens are particularly vulnerable to the emotional strain of their sibling's cancer diagnosis, and they may feel pressure to avoid voicing their feelings. These Affirmations for Siblings name and normalize many common reactions to this experience.

Older Children

School-aged children may struggle to find the words to describe how they feel or ask the questions that are on their mind. This Sibling Journal provides a template to support children in sharing their needs.

Younger Children

Toddlers and preschoolers face unique challenges when a sibling is diagnosed with cancer. Separations from siblings and caregivers can be especially hard on this group. Because one-on-one time with parents is often very limited, young siblings of children with cancer can particularly benefit from Child-Directed Play